Accepted Posters/Demos
Accepted posters / demos
- Pierre Drap, Odile Papini, Jean-Christophe Sourisseau and Timmy Gambin. Ontology-based photogrammetric survey in underwater archaeology
- Antonello Meloni, Diego Reforgiato Recupero and Aldo Gangemi. AMR2FRED, a tool for translating AMR to Motif-based Linguistic Knowledge Graphs
- Dennis Diefenbach, Shanzay Amjad, Andreas Both, Kamal Singh and Pierre Maret. Trill: A generic Front-End for QA systems
- Edgard Marx, Tommaso Soru, Ciro Baron Neto and Sandro Coelho. KBox : Distributing ready-to-query RDF Knowledge Graphs
- C. Maria Keet, Musa Xakaza and Langa Khumalo. Verbalising OWL ontologies in isiZulu with Python
- Albin Ahmeti, Simon Razniewski and Axel Polleres. Assessing the Completeness of Entities in Knowledge Bases
- Fajar J. Ekaputra, Niina Novak, Elmar Kiesling, Ba-Lam Do, Peb R. Aryan, A Min Tjoa and Tuan-Dat Trinh. Towards Open Data Mashups for Data Journalism
- Dat Trinh Tuan, Peb Ruswono Aryan, Ba Lam Do, Fajar J. Ekaputra, Elmar Kiesling, Andreas Rauber, Peter Wetz and A Min Tjoa. Linked Data Processing Provenance: Towards Transparent & Reusable Linked Data Integration
- Joachim Van Herwegen, Ruben Verborgh and Erik Mannens. ComSem: Digitization and Semantic Annotation of Comic Books
- Hady Elsahar, Elena Demidova, Simon Gottschalk, Christophe Gravier and Frederique Laforest. Unsupervised Open Relation Extraction
- Ruben Taelman, Miel Vander Sande, Ruben Verborgh and Erik Mannens. Live Storage and Querying of Versioned Datasets on the Web
- Victor Charpenay, Sebastian Käbisch and Harald Kosch. μRDF Store: Towards Extending the Semantic Web to Embedded Devices
- Dennis Diefenbach, Shanzay Amjad, Andreas Both and Niousha Hormozi. Introducing Feedback in Qanary: How Users can interact with QA systems
- Ademar Crotti Junior, Christophe Debruyne and D O'Sullivan. Juma: an Editor that Uses a Block Metaphor to Facilitate the Creation and Editing of R2RML Mappings
- Dieter De Paepe, Geert Thijs, Ruben Verborgh, Erik Mannens and Raf Buyle. Automated UML-Based Ontology Generation in in OSLO²
- Felicitas Löffler, Kobkaew Opasjumruskit, Naouel Karam, David Fichtmüller, Friederike Klan, Claudia Müller-Birn, Uwe Schindler and Michael Diepnebroek. Honey bee versus Apis mellifera: A Semantic Search for Biological Data - video
- Melidoni Despoina, Nikos Papadakis and Haridimos Kondylakis. EvoRDF: A framework for exploring ontology evolution
- Cogan Shimizu, Pascal Hitzler and Matthew Horridge. Rendering OWL in Description Logic Syntax
- Freddy Priyatna, Edna Ruckhaus, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, Oscar Corcho and Nelson Saturno. MappingPedia: A Collaborative Environment for R2RML Mappings
- Sheeba Samuel and Birgitta König-Ries. REPRODUCE-ME: Ontology-based Data Access for Reproducibility of Microscopy Experiments
- Danilo Dessì, Gianni Fenu, Mirko Marras and Diego Reforgiato Recupero. Leveraging Cognitive Computing for Multi-Class Classification of E-Learning Videos
- Kieren Davies, C. Maria Keet and Agnieszka Lawrynowicz. TDDonto2: A Test-Driven Development Plugin for arbitrary TBox and ABox axioms
- Arnaud Grall, Pauline Folz, Gabriela Montoya, Hala Skaf-Molli, Pascal Molli, Miel Vander Sande and Ruben Verborgh. Ladda: SPARQL Queries in the Fog of Browsers - video
- Sebastian Neumaier, Vadim Savenkov and Svitlana Vakulenko. Talking Open Data - video
- Zohra Bellahsene, Vincent Emonet, Duyhoa Ngo and Konstantin Todorov. YAM++ online: a Multi-task Platform for Ontology and Thesaurus Matching
- Albert Meroño-Peñuela and Rinke Hoekstra. SPARQL2Git: Transparent SPARQL and Linked Data API Curation via Git
- Georgios Santipantakis, George Vouros, Apostolos Glenis, Christos Doulkeridis and Akrivi Vlachou. The datAcron Ontology for Semantic Trajectories
- Kunal Jha, Michael Röder and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo. Eaglet -- a Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking Gold Standard Checking Tool
- David M. Weigl and Kevin R. Page. Dynamic Semantic Music Notation: Using Linked Data to Enhance Music Performance
- Vânia Vidal, Narciso Arruda Jr, Marco Antonio Casanova and Matheus Cruz. Framework for Live synchronization of RDF Views of Relational Data - video
- Sara El Hassad, Francois Goasdoue and Helene Jaudoin. Towards Learning Commonalities in SPARQL
- George Papadakis, Leonidas Tsekouras, Emmanouil Thanos, George Giannakopoulos, Themis Palpanas and Manolis Koubarakis. JedAI: The Force behind Entity Resolution - video
- Pieter Bonte, Femke Ongenae, Jeroen Schaballie, Wim Vancroonenburg, Bert Vankeirsbilck and Filip De Turck. Context-Aware and Self-Learning Dynamic Transport Scheduling in Hospitals
- Ben De Meester, Wouter Maroy, Anastasia Dimou, Ruben Verborgh and Erik Mannens. RML and FnO: Shaping DBpedia Declaratively